
Happy almost February!
Like how is January gone already?!
Holy moly.
Anywho, wanted to give a quick bumpdate again-
since well, they're about to be done-zo now that I'm 36 weeks!!
Again, holy moly.
Heaven help my nesting-like-crazy-go-go-go-busy-bee-mind.
I have a ba-jillion things still to do on my list..
and I'm a firm believer that they must all be perfectly crossed off before he gets here..
so it's go time.
Anyone else like that when it comes to lists?!
I love crossing those suckers off.
Anywho, my energy is still going strong, surprisingly, and other than looking like a duck when I walk, and a few aches and pains here and there we're doing good.
He still loves my ribs, 
and they often burn like no other, 
but I'm getting used to it so it's all good.
I'm still hitting my fitness goals somehow-
even when I get the funniest stares from people at the gym and lots of "you're about to pop!"statements....
I've been living off fruit-

Literally give me anything that grows from a tree and I'll eat it.
I ate this amazingly wonderful acai bowl in my car by myself yesterday, and it was beyond magical.
Frozen mangos are what I imagine they serve all the time in heaven.
And here are my classy bump pics from the last three weeks below!
Don't judge.

34 weeks ^^

35 weeks ^^
{It's weird how the bump changes b/c I totally think I look bigger in the pic above than below, a weeks later}. 

36 weeks ^^
We went to an appointment this week and my doctor said baby's head is really big...
she took like five minutes measuring it..
so yeah..
I have that to look forward to during delivery.
She also said that he's going to be tall as well..
so who knows how heavy he's about to be. 
But he's healthy and doing great, which is all that matters.
We also are still trying to figure out a name-
I promise family and friends we're not keeping it a secret-
we just can't make up our minds!
Umm other than feeling like a whale and being up 29lbs I'm doing awesome.
And can't wait to meet baby!!

Have a lovely rest of your day!


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