snowstorms, spin classes and the super bowl.

Happy weekend party people!
I'm waiting for the hubs to get done studying at schoolio so we can start our super romantic day of errands.
We've been putting off going to the DMV, but it has to be done-
wish us luck!
Just thought I'd recap this crazy crazy week.
First I got called into work while I was literally in spin class-
so yeah I was struggling and seemed like a mad woman rushing to work..
not a good way to start the week.

Then we had a HUGE snowstorm that no one was expecting. 

our parking lot!

view out our window!
Like so bad I went into work and the power was out, type of bad. 
Oh and it was on Super Bowl Sunday, at the start of sweeps 
{that's what they call a ratings period in TV- count how many viewers you have}
sooo it. was. insane.

what the newsroom looked like when I arrived.. like a scary movie. 
I somehow survived though, and managed to still make it to the gym each day-
I'm trying really really hard to stick to my goals!

It snowed yet again half way through the week..

he's such a gent. :)
But this time it was a little better because Zak's classes were rescheduled and I was off of work so we hunkered down in the apartment and had a cozy day inside.
Oh and I made dinner two nights in a row,
woot woot. 

And we had a little smoothie/TV binge/dollar store date night in the snow storm too,
so that was fun.

But then Zak's car wouldn't start because it was so cold..
Romie finally walked through the snow!
He's a real snow dog now!

He's been scared of it ever since we moved here, but now that the temps are in the 30's he ventured through it yesterday and it was the cutest thing ever.
I'm such a dog mom. 
So all in all snow is pretty

 but, makes life a little crazy. 
Hope it's warmer where you are!
And the ground isn't covered in snirt!


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