valentine's day.

Happy Valentine's Day!
One of my favorite holidays, ever.
Well for the last six years it has been-
thanks to my hubs.
Each year he says, "I don't have anything planned,"
and then I wake up to a romantic surprise and it makes my heart so happy and excited. 
I'm forever thankful I married a romantic man. 
I know it may seem over the top,
but we love celebrating love.  
And each year we also switch off planning Valentine's Day,
so that it's a surprise for the other person.
This year it was his turn!
You can read about our past Valentine's Day here 
and a little more about why we love this holiday so much. 

So on Saturday I opened our bedroom door and found a trail of photos leading to our living room.
They had notes on the back of them that talked about the photo,
and then had what we were doing on it as well.
It was so sweet.

Then I found our office nook covered in wrapping paper!
Completely covered.
With the kindest card. 

After I unwrapped it, I found a bunch of presents, flowers and the wall was covered in our photos.
Every single photo we've ever taken since dating was on the wall. 
It was crazy to see how much we've grown.
How many adventures we've gone on.
All of the goals we've accomplished.
And the memories we've made. 

He went above and beyond this year with the presents.
Like really.
He took that little list I made to heart. 
And spoiled me rotten!
Thanks babe for all the gifts,
I'm so thankful for everything. 

Many missing from this photo- but I had to share my Rifle Paper Co goodies!
We hung out that morning, and took Romie on a long walk.
We were kinda dragging our feet to get out the door-
so we had a quick lunch at Qdoba-
our version of Chipotle. 
PS if you get one meal free there on V-day when you kiss at the counter.

Then we went to a local Museum that had a new Katherine Hepburn exhibit I really wanted to see!
Plus is was like 10 degrees out-
perfect indoor weather. 
I loved just lingering around, looking at all the art and being with my hubs.
Just us two in our own little world. 
The costumes at the Katherine Hepburn were amazing. 
The black dress I posted below was my favorite. 
It's flawless!
And I thought her vintage Chanel lipstick was so so pretty.
After looking around we went and had ice cream and cookies at the old fashion soda fountain-
it was darling. 
The waiters were even dressed in 50's diner uniforms.

We went back home and quickly changed into some fancy outfits and headed to the playhouse.
I've been waiting to wear this dress for a long time now-
I was so excited to put it on!

We had plans to go out to dinner, 
but our slow morning kinda made that not possible so we ordered take out from our fav little pizza place, ate in the parking lot of the theatre and then saw Little Women. 
This is one of the million bajillion reasons why I love Zak.
We can eat two pizzas in dressy clothes in the parking lot of a playhouse. 

Some photos from our seats.

He's my favorite person and this is our favorite holiday.
Thanks for another wonderful Valentine's Day babe!
You're my past, present and future Valentine forever and ever.
You make my life amazing, and I'm forever grateful to have you as my best friend. 

I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day with your loved ones!


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