new car, Mexican food & Romie.

PC: Pinterest
Good morning!
Hope you have a little more sunshine than us Omahan's today-
it's a rainy day schedule. 

The last few days have been pretty exciting in the Hambsch household.
... we bought a new car!
woot woot. 
It was very needed.
And well overdue. 

the backup camera is one of my favorite things about it!
We traded in my slug bug 
{remember I won it in a raffle}?
That was such a fun car, I always always always wanted a bug--

and I'm so glad I got to drive it around my senior year of college. 
But, now it was time for us to invest in a future family car.

Buying a car is such a long stressful process, isn't it?!
I'm so thankful for my hubs.
He really took charge and got us the car we totaly wanted! 
And I can't wait to drive our little babies around in it one day. 

Anywho, the rest of our weekend was filled with..
errands.. organizing our life.. chores.. Mexican food.. and a sleepover. 
There were lots of little "to-do's" we needed to cross off our list before Zak headed back to school on Monday.
You know those kinda things that are not immediately important to get done, but are still in the back of your mind needing to be done?
Yeah those types of things.
So we had fun sorting through last years documents, getting oil changes, grocery shopping {okay maybe that's immediately important?}, making dental appointments and paying bills.
Oh the joys of adulthood. 
But ya know, it's never not fun when you can do it with your spouse. 
It's those days that Zak and I have the most fun doing things that aren't fun, if that makes sense?!
I just love that guy.

We rewarded ourselves with a little cheat dinner at Roja in Old Market.
We're just a tad obsessed with their chips and salsa.
It's a problem. 
And then had a slumber party in the living room and finally made it to the newest season of Arrested Development!
Any other Bluth family fans out there?!
And did anyone else think Lindsey looks COMPLETELY different in the 4th season?!
It's really throwing me off.
But, I do like how Kristen Wiig and John Krasinski have made some appearances.
We're also big Office fans, too.

My favorite view of that street.
it's 9:30 AM and I could still eat all of that right this minute. 

Oh and for giggles I thought I'd show you Romie's favorite laying position. 
He just loves to cuddle, let me tell you.

Don't judge Rom, this angle is not flattering. 
Oh and I was really creepy and grabbed this pic off of someone on my FB feed who just got a new puppy..
and does it not look like the baby version of Romie?!
Since we rescued him when he was about 3 we never saw his younger years..
so I'm keeping this picture and want to believe he looked just like this when he was little.
I know, I'm a crazy dog lady. 

Hope you have a good rest of your week!



  1. It was a happy day indeed, since you were finally able to get your car! And I agree with you; looking for a car can be really stressful! You have to look for the one that matches your needs and preferences, process all the necessary documents, and the like. Anyway, all the effort is definitely worth it, since you've found the perfect one. Have a nice day!

    Diana Hayes @ Baldwin Subaru

  2. Diana I'm so happy we're not the only ones who've been stressed out looking for a car! It can be overwhelming. Thanks so much for your kind words, I really appreciate it! Have a lovely day! xoxo
