home sweet home.

Remember when we moved into our new place earlier this summer?!
I know, I haven't gotten around to posting about it yet..
that is until now.
Better late than never, right?!
On the Fourth of July we had a big party to not only celebrate the best holiday ever,
{see here for all those post details}
but it was also a little,
welcome-to-our-new-place-party as well.

It was a blast!
And our awesome friends over at TinyPrints made us the sweetest moving announcement postcards to send to loved ones about our new change of address.
This was our first time sending these postcards out-
and let me know tell you, I plan to do it each and every time we move in the future.
It's the easiest {and cutest} way to tell friends and family members,
"hey we moved!" and "here is our new address in case ya need it!" and
"come visit us soon!"
Check out TinyPrints for all your paper needs!
They have the loveliest prints, I tell ya! 
Here is a link to the TinyPrints postcards we made, hope you like them below! 

I blocked out our address, so the little white part is where it would normally go. 

Another new item in our new home is this awesome TinyPrints mounted photograph.
It's my absolute favorite picture of Zak and I.
It's right after he proposed on Catalina Island,
{see here for all those post details}
and TinyPrints turned it into not only an awesome photo,
but a timeless piece of home decor.
I love how it sits on its own, 
and I can easily incorporate into my style.
Speaking of my style.. it's very..
mixed matched, with a little bit of vintage added with some modern twists and lots of Anthropologie inspiration, if that's even a style?!
And even though it's a little all-over-the-place, this canvas photo fits perfectly into the design. 
But, I think my favorite thing about the photo is that because it stands out on its own, people often ask what's its from,
and it means so much to me to tell them about the day we got engaged.
I think having decoration pieces that have a story or special meaning behind them, is the best way to design your home. 
Like my momma always said, you want to have "talker" pieces that tell a story in your home, and this canvas photo certainly does so.

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