Dear Liam,
Happy EIGHT months!!!!
You're the light of our life, and make us the happiest we've ever been.
Your dad and I constantly say, "he's just so beautiful" and "he's just perfect," but most of all, "how did we get so lucky?!"
These past eight months have been wonderfully magical because of you.
However, you can stop growing at any time.
But like the saying goes, it doesn't matter how big you get, because you'll always be our baby!
Thank you for making our dreams come true!
We love you so William Dean!
Now lets get on with pictures of the cutest little pumpkin I ever did see!
These might be some of my most favorites photos.
Sorry, there's like a million.
But I couldn't pick just a few to share.
I know they all probably look the same to you, but I captured some of his little facial expressions that just make my heart so darn happy.
I couldn't resit posting them all!
Hope you enjoy our little pumpkin as much as we do!
His lashes are getting so long and thick!
Those chubby cheeks.
And little tongue always sticking out.
Love it.
I'm so glad I got his little frustrated face!
He's a total texture baby, so he loves to pick things up and throw them.
So glad I caught these.
He'll look down his little nose at times and I swear it's him being so sassy!
Everyone keeps asking when we're going to cut his hair and the answer,
Those little curls are the cutest things in the entire world.
They're not going ANYWHERE.
The classic, puppy dog face.
And the other classic, I'm up to no good smirk.
Liam now has two teeth!
He's sleeping on his belly.
Starts dancing when he hears music and will clap when you say,
"yay Liam!"
He can pivot all the way around, and scoot about!
He just figured out how to transition from belly to sitting up-
so he's on the verge of crawling!
Which means Zak and I are baby proofing like crazy.
He babies "mamma and dada and babab" all day long.
He's an early riser like his daddy.
And their bath time is his favorite time.
He still nurses ALL DAY LONG.
And I think I love it more than he does.
When he sees Romie he gets so excited and it's the cutest thing.
He'll cry if you leave the room,
and he's pulling up on stuff now!
It's so crazy.
He's seems more like a toddler than a baby now and it,
blows. my. mind.
His blue eyes are just.
We love you so much Liam!
Happy November everyone!
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