So as you know from my last post-
Liam and I are back in AZ visiting family and friends!
What you also may know if that I'm a planner and wellllll my plans kinda went to trash when we opened the car door to the lovely 110 degree heat and Liam started yelling, "hot hot hot!"
So I went to my awesome instagram mamas and asked what people do with toddlers during the hot AZ months!?
And boy they delivered!
So I thought I'd quickly post the ideas below and also re post the fun little video we did of our favorite places around Phoenix too!
Why not right!?
I love the video so much!
The incredibly talented Cass and Co films shot it for us!
So here's the list!
Let me know if I should add anything else!
- Splash pads (Founders Park was recommended and we love the Liberty Market one too)
- Urban Jungle (check toddler times)
- Krazy Air (again check toddler times)
- Bass Pro Shop
- Library story times (Gilbert location was recommended)
-Mall play areas and train rides (check the times before you go)
- Open gymnastics gyms (check for toddler times)
- Children's Museum
- Idea Museum
- Target (kids get free banana)
- Barnes and Noble story time
- Butterfly Wonderland
- PoGo Passes
- Water Parks
- High school pools
- Sugar Bowl ice cream and arcade
- Playtime Oasis
- Gym child care
Those were from my IG mamas!
Below is my video of our five places!
You can read all about them HERE!
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