liam's first food.

You guys.
We gave Liam solids for the first time ever, and he LOVED it.
At first we didn't know if he'd take to them..
but lets be real.
He has Zak's and I's appetites and he eats all. the. time.
So duh.
He ate those puppies up!
It was hilarious!
And messy.
Very, very messy.
Haha I laid out everything all nice and clean...

And then BAM..

I"m not going to lie though-
after breastfeeding for almost six months I got a little protective {hormonal much?!} about introducing solids and was scared he wouldn't wanna nurse after having carrots-
but again!
Our child has the appetite of a growing teenage boy-
 and has not stopped nursing in the slightest since indulging in his first big boy meal.

He would start grabbing the spoon wanting more and more and then would throw arms down and it would splash EVERYWHERE.
He thought it was hilarious and we thought it was adorable.
Gosh this kid is so dang cute.

He ate every last bite.. that made it in his mouth haha!

Afterwards it was straight to the bathtub to rinse off because as you can see-
there were carrots in every crack and crevice imaginable!
I'm now slowly introducing him to solids every couple days since he's almost six months now.
How is he almost six months already?!
But so far he's just gotten carrots like twice and loved it.

I'm excited to try out some more types of veggies-
these stages are really the best.
Who thought carrots would be so much fun?!

If you have any fun baby food recipes, I'd love to hear them!
As he gets older it'll be fun to try out different things in the kitchen.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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