first father's day.

Happy {belated} father's day Zakary!
There's no one I'd rather want to this parenting gig with!
You're the best baby daddy and doggy daddy I could ever imagine and we're all so lucky to have you!

Since we were 18-years-old we've been talking about raising a family-
fun traditions we'd have, cool family dinner ideas, obviously baby names, where we'd want to take them, etc. 
And now those day dreams are our reality.

From day one Zak has gotten up all hours of the night, wouldn't let me change a diaper, helped me heal, ran all the errands, did all the chores, balanced all responsibilities and somehow still managed to kick butt in school.
Like super kick butt in school.
I always say this, but he makes me so dang proud and I don't know how he does it!
And he does it while laughing and being silly and adding so much fun to our lives.

Our life can be kinda crazy at times-
but he's our constant and protector.
He takes all stresses away from me, reassures me at times of need and always says his number one job in life is to make me happy.
How did I get so lucky?!

Liam {and Romie} are obsessed with him. 
As am I.
He smiles so big whenever he's around, his favorite place is snuggled in his arms with his face against his chest and laughs with him.
You can just see his little face light up when Zak walks in the room.
It's the cutest thing ever.

Zak is the most loving, patient, kind, sweet, smart soul I've ever met and is the best dang daddy in the world.
And one of the things I love most about him is the example and role model he is to Liam.
He's hard working, intelligent, dedicated, kind and has a love for learning that I hope and pray Liam has as well.
Okay gushing session is over- thanks for listening!
I just love this guy-
we're all obsessed with him over here.

Have an awesome day!


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