life lately.

Isn't he the cutest wittle pookie bear you ever did seen!? 
Things are winding down and we're getting closer and closer to our move date!
Only 7 more days of work.
And only 37 more days till Zak's HUGE test.
Like, the biggest one he'll ever take in his life.
No biggy.
Actually big biggie. So big that I'm trying with all my might to find anything and everything to do in the mean time not to distract him from studying.
It's go time here in the Hambsch house and Romie and I are Zak's biggest cheerleaders right now-
 in hopes to help him study study study..
instead of cuddle with us all day.
We can be bad distractions. 
And then we only have 38 more days till we start the trek back to ARIZONA!
I kinda want June to just freeze. Us be back, visiting family, seeing friends, doing a little traveling, no studying/school for Zak.
It's going to be GLORIOUS!
Sorry for all the caps in this post.
I'm just really really excited.
But in the meantime of our {my} countdown we've been hanging out with friends and trying to make the most of our last months in the Corn Husker state. 
This past week we had our final official Married to Medicine girls night. 
I'm going to miss those ladies!
But thankfully we still have to time to hangout, and we're actually planning a little Kansas City trip soon, which I'm super excited for!
We also went and had a movie night with another couple to kinda say our goodbye.
Cue another tear.
It was good night full of food and Harry Potter- I mean, what's better than that?!
I'm off the next couple days and then we have our final official Married to Medicine group event- breakfast for dinner, yum!
I'll share all those details later.
But just wanted to update our little newlywed diary cough cough the blog with some awesome quality iPhone pics, {note the sarcasm in that sentence}.

We had a 2.3 second kind of date to grab froyo in-between errands. We're super romantic!

Zak fell asleep on the floor one night. 

This is where we had our last girls night- SO tempting when I'm trying to eat healthy! Confession: I did have a dessert. And paid for it at the gym the next day.

I also had my last Creighton Alpha Phi advisors meeting.
So sad having all of our "lasts" lately. 
These ladies took my under their wing, when I didn't know anyone here and have taught me so much.
I am forever thankful for this fraternity.
And I can't wait to volunteer in AZ so I can continue to give back to the organization that gave me so much! 

Anywho I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

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