happy halloween.

Happy {belated} Halloween!
I feel like all my blog posts this month have been Halloween this, Halloween that!
And. I. Love. It. 
This year, by far, has been my favorite Halloween season of all time. 
Like really. 
I don't know if it's because Zak and I threw a party, decorated like crazy, made a Fall bucket list or what? 
But man, this October was a good one. 
Ha! I don't even think we recognized Halloween last year.
Remember that was still my emo-just-moved-don't-have-a-job-or-friends-and-my-husband's-in-medical-school-and-study's-24/7-life.
Did we learn from our first semester here or what. 
Time management people, it's a life saver.
Anywho sorry for the depresso tangent. 
I surprisingly had Halloween off-
{I never get holidays off} so this was huge!
Zak had classes till the afternoon, but once he was done we headed to the Nebraskan/farm version of Disney Land- Vallas Pumpkin Patch! 
Woot woot. 
We went last year and it was a disaster. 
It was insanely packed, lines galore and just plain stupid.
We weren't even going to go again this year, but I won some free tickets so we decided to go the last day it was open {Halloween} and that turned out to be the best day to go!
It was empty.
We had a blast at the petting zoo, got to actually pick pumpkins in a patch, went down some slides, ate lots of sweets, walked through a haunted house and took a wagon ride. 
It was seriously like we were 12 again. 
I'm so glad I married someone fun. 
He makes my heart so darn full it's ridiculous.

Afterwards we went home and carved our pumpkins-
we decided we wanted to make pumpkin carving contest our new family tradition!
We love traditions.
My bestie back in AZ does it with her fam every year and it's always a blast, so we had to try it!
We then ended the night watching The Shinning.
Halloween, you were great.
You're giving Thanksgiving a run for its money!

^^ So we took a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch {thinking everyone was going to pick pumpkins} until we got to the patch and we were the only ones who got off! So yeah we had to pick pumpkins with an audience of 15 people watching.. stressful! Hahah.

^^ we surprised each other with our carving.. I thought my cat was really good until he whipped out my Mary Poppins costume!
He won. 

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