At ten weeks Liam loves..
- his grandma's watching him
- bath time
- reading with daddy
- getting sung to {You are My Sunshine and Itsy Bitsy Spider to be exact}
- his Mammaroo
- kicking his little legs as hard and fast as he can
- making eye contact and smiling
- cooing and giggling- the best sounds ever!
- kisses from Romie
At ten weeks Liam..
- weighs 11.12 Lbs
- is 24 inches long
- has all his two month shots
- sleeps about 7-9 hours each night
- takes pumped breast milk in a bottle
- and will latch to anything!
Funny story:
On Saturday night Zak was in the bath with him and some bubbles started popping up..
Zak yelled at me to come help hahhahaha and someone had a little {big} accident in the tub!
Daddy was a trooper and the poop didn't bother him one bit.
But then when he got all cleaned up he was holding Liam and he threw up {not spit up} but threw up all down Zak...
I. was. dying.
Zak gags around breast milk and for being a medical student, almost a dang doctor, he does not do well with the smell.
Thankfully Liam was feeling better, so everything was okay!
But so far only daddy has gotten pooped and thrown up on..
crossing my fingers it stays that way!
Liam we love you!
You make our life a little messier, but way more fun!
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