birthday girl.

Happy belated birthday to meeee!
Goodness gracious it was a wonderful day.
First off lets talk about how my AMAZING hubby went above and beyond. 
Like, really. 
I woke up to a ton of balloons with numbers on them. 
He told me to pick one..
then he had a ton of little notes in envelopes that coincided with the numbers.
When I opened the note it had a little clue on it, which then lead me to this incredible game-show-style display that had little cubbies with numbers on them-
and that's when I'd open the box and find the present inside!
Pretty impressive huh?
He seriously makes my heart so happy.
No other person in this whole entire world has done so many nice things for me, 
simply because he wants to see me smile.
I can't say it enough.
I love this man so dang much it hurts.
And to top it all off he also had a huge quiz the next day.
He sacrificed hours of studying to make my day special,
and I can't thank him enough. 

Lately I've had an obsession with these candies. It's not good. 

Prettiest flowers.  He did good.
Oh yeah I also got this vintage bar cart- it's my new favorite piece. 

Romei also got a present, too. He was pretty excited. 

After opening all my presents,
Zak went off to class and I headed over to a birthday breakfast the wives were throwing me-
which was the sweetest thing ever.
These ladies make everything from scratch, and let me tell you, they know how to freaking {pardon my language} cook.
It was so yummy and a great way to start my birthday celebrations!
Thanks ladies!!

For some reason I look like I'm wearing a straight jacket?

Then I met Zak back at home and actually took a nap-
which NEVER happens. 
I'm not a napper- it actually stresses me out {I know, I'm really weird}
but yesterday's was so nice and relaxing. 
It gave me the perfect chance to recharge before heading to the mall!
I was then told to go have an afternoon of shopping and eat lots of cookies at Paradise Bakery-
it was like the best set of directions I've ever been given!

First stop, Anthropologie. 
Gosh I could just buy that whole store. 
I snagged a pumpkin souffle candle- perfect for fall and this cold {don't even get me started} weather we've been having. 
I total recommend it!
I then skimmed over Pottery Barn and found a total steal on a aged silver pitcher I've been eyeing for a very long time. 
Then I found the perfect birthday dress for our Saturday night dinner date..
and continued to window shop and eat the best cookies ever. 

On my home I picked up our favorite Greek take-out and we had a picnic on the living room floor while watching some Netflix.

It sure was a great day.
I can't thank everyone enough for all the phone calls, texts, emails, comments, gifts and birthday celebrations.
Really, it made me so happy.

See more of my birthday post below!

On Saturday we continued the birthday celebration and started our morning off at the Farmers Market.
It's starting to change season, and it was the perfect fall day.
Chilly, with blue skies.
I wish I could just bottle it up!
We stopped at a brick pizza vendor and shared a few slices in the park.
Then we found a baker and had to get some cookies and churros.
We couldn't believe the weather so we walked Romie all over downtown before heading back home.
We spent that afternoon going to different stores and getting all of our Halloween decorations!
Last year we didn't decorate.. so this go around we're going all out and I can't wait.
I love Halloween because it's a holiday the both of us can get really into when it comes to decorating, party planning and costumes!
We're trying to go for a Disneyland haunted mansion, so be on the lookout for those pics.
We ended the night with dinner reservations at a little Bistro in downtown Dundee.
It overlooks the main street and has the prettiest rooftop garden.
Oh and the best bruschetta!

My plate.
His plate. 
Afterwards we curled up on the couch and watched some more Prison Break {it's our new show we're currently binge watching}.
It really was a perfect day.
It's like when I think I can't love him more, I just fall more and more in love with him.
It sounds so corny, but it's true.
He makes my heart full with happiness and I live for those kind of days.
Thanks for being the best husband in the whole wide world. 
You make me the luckiest wife, ever. 
I love you, babe. 

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